
Merry Christmas!!!
  Angel Call 444
When: Sunday, November 20, 2005
The angels of Sagittarius include Adnachiel, the chief, or archangel, the one most often called, who also presides over the month of November. Adnachiel alternates with Phaleg as a ruling angel of the order of the angels.
Particular to Sagittarius is Ayil also called Sizajasel.
The Angel of Winter is Amabael, the Cetarari, under the choirship of Attaris or Altarib.
The Angels of the Influence of Supersizing (Jupiter) are Zachariel (Yahriel); Zadkiel; Sachiel; Adabiel; Barcheil; Zadykiel, and Zobiachel. Call these angels for help in broadening your capacity for benevolence, mercy, and memory.
The Apostolic correspondence of Sagittarius is St. James, son of Zebedee.

Blessings and Balm
When: Sunday, November 20, 2005
The Sagittarian form of illness, which are, abscesses, suppurations, septic inflammation, as well as injuries due to falls, susceptibility to felons. Opposite to Gemini, they are given to lung and nerve trouble. Disease may also manifest as enteric disorders, sciatica, rheumatism, gout, dislocation of the hip joint, feverish ailments, blood disorders, cuts and wounds and colitional disturbances.
This sign has a tendency to over activity, therefore moderation and deliberate action are essential when ailing. The great open space is their sphere; the out of doors with sports, physical exercises and hiking.
For herbal simples, always use pimperal.
The best gem suited and universally accepted as most favorable for Sagittarian influences is the topaz, with the chrysolite also fortunate.

The Gifts of Sagittarius
When: Wednesday, November 23, 2005
The gift of Sagittarius is to use their talents and strength to guide others.
The most important gift you can give to a Sagittarian is freedom.
The wisest Sagittarian alive once described his life as a conflict between body and soul.
The first decan of Sagittarius (for those born between 22 November and 1 December) is the Harp, called Lyra. This harp connects the native with superior joy, delight, gladness and praiseworthy action. Vega, meaning Victory, is the brightest star in the northern skies, is in Lyra.
The second decan is Ara, The Completing, and covers the timeframe of December 1 through the 10th.
The third decan is Draco, the Dragon from December 10th to the 21st. Its' chief star, once the pole star 4000-6000 years ago, is called Who Is To Be Destroyed, or The Subtile (Thuban).
The Winter Solstice occurs just as the Sun rises conjunct the next stars of the first decan of the next sign, Capricorn.

The Blessings from St. Francis
When: Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Lord God commanded us from Genesis on to have stewardship over the earth. He had us give each animal its own name.
We've been a little slipshod in our manners ever since!
Please consider adopting a pet from the local Humane Society ( or, making a donation to GreenPeace ( or the Sea Shepherd Society (, the National Geographic Society ( or the Sierra Club ( You can sponsor the pet of one of our soldiers overseas through Whisker City ( adopt a rescued pet from the Gulf storms through Noahs Wish ( Our good deeds and charity adorn us as brides clothes in the eyes of God.

Pets most attractive to Sagittarian personalities are exotic, unusual, colorful, or just plain strange pets. By far their most popular choice is birds. They love colorful exotic birds from South America and Africa, the more raucous the voice, the better. Next on the list are fish, again of the more exotic and difficult to find variety.
Surprise the Sagittarius in your life with a birthday pirrhana.

Prayer and Meditation for Sagittarius
When: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 12:00PM
Where: Planet Earth
"And these words, which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart; and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children." Deuteronomy 6: 6&7

Personal choices encompass every aspect of life. When these reflect the secure absolutes of truth found in God's Word, stability is ensured. Confusion, instability, despair, and hopelessness flow from building one's life on anything other than God's Word. Even good things we cherish like church and family traditions, the wise sayings of respected persons, or the practical insights of leaders cannot supply the foundation or substitute for the security that only God's Word can provide.
So how can we help? By evaluating our thoughts, considerations, and decisions against the truth of God's Word and by helping those with whom we are in contact, both Christian and non-Christian, to begin to search God's Word and 'think biblically'. We don't need to impose our thinking upon them or attempt to force them to agree with our conclusions of faith. We simply lead them to our Teacher. The Holy Spirit will teach them His truth. They need only seek Him.
Our role is to guide, leading them to the One who holds all truth: Jesus. Truly He is the 'way, the truth, and the life'. So the next time you're unsure of God's will in light of decisions you must make or actions you must take, seek God in the Word. He never contradicts His Word, and His ways are always without error. Linda R. McGinn

From the Raft
When: Thursday, November 24, 2005

The Raft is our most contemplative sister flock, practicing a pure and inclusive form of Christianity, with its' mystical dimensions and unvarnished intensity. If you have an ear, hear.

Fed up with George Bush and his lies, his favoring of big oil business at the expense of the common man? Disgusted by his lack of concern for the poor and disenfranchised after the storms? How many lies have you told this week? How many times have you complained about your tax money going to welfare programs?
Are you fighting mad about our involvement in this war? Explain how angry demonstrations in the street promote peace and goodwill.
If you want to see real improvement, if you want fairness and justice and equality for all, if you want honesty in power and all those wonderful ideas laid down in the Constitution, then you must act to become that change which you envision. Anger in the street causes anger in reprisal. This is why wars are never won with firearms or armies or even nuclear bombs.
If you really want justice and freedom and peace, send as many prayers as you can to heaven continually. Never stop. Besiege the Throne of the Almighty with your petition. Pray continually. Hammer on the pearly gates till Peter himself answers. Send energy. Envelope the nation in golden clouds. Circle it with rainbows. Include the whole globe. Consecrate it to the Sacred Heart of the Redeemer. You have the armies of heaven at your command- send them to put down opposition to Gods will.
Doing anything less is beneath the dignity of your birthright.

If you have ears to hear, then hear.

Good Book of the Month
When: Thursday, November 24, 2005

It's time to start planning those thoughtful and thought-provoking gifts.

The Words We Live By; Your Annotated Guide to the Constitution, by Linda R. Monk. Takes the reader through the Constitution, line by line, to help us understand the document that is the basis for our most fundamental rights as Americans and has been a key element in nearly every legal and political debate ever argued. 288pages, illustrated.

The Calender: Discoveries, by Jacqueline de Bourgoing. Peels back layers of history to reveal how humankind has organized time throughout the ages. Explores the roles of the celestial bodies, the seasons, and religion in influencing the ways we divide minutes, hours, days, years, and eras. Well illustrated, 143 pages.

From the Flock
When: Thursday, November 24, 2005

I am overawed by the honor of presenting prayerfully viewed current events to a contemporary Christian audience.

'Merry Christmas!'
Most people are appalled to see the Christmas items being set out in stores in the middle of November. They complain about the commericialization, the naked drive for profit, and rightly so. But secretly I love those first signs that Christmas is right around the corner! I look forward to seeing the gel snowflakes stuck to windows and the red and green elves, hearing the bell ringers and the first few greetings of 'Merry Christmas!'.
I won't be hearing those greetings this year in several major stores, because they have instructed their employees that the greeting 'Merry Christmas', is exclusive of non-Christians, who may be offended.
I don't plan to boycott these stores. To take offense would be un-Christian. So I do plan to let these store know that I won't be buying the gel snowflakes and elves and numerous gifts for family and friends there, because they will not recognize the reason I make these purchases. I think this is a reasonable attitude, don't you? So if you go into a Target, Walmart, Costco, Kohls, or Sears K-Mart, (we will keep updating the list as we talk to their corporate spokespeople) perhaps you too will ask them, why should I patronize your gift shop if you can't name the holiday, or wish me joy of it?
Incidentally, doesn't this seem just downright mean and petty toward Christians?
(Christmas is a secular holiday by the way, not a religious one.)

Danielle Thyme!
When: Thursday, November 24, 2005
Dreaming of Dying

June celebrated her 40th birthday with some trepidation. That night she dreamed she attended a funeral, and going up to the coffin, was confronted by an image of herself there, with hands clasped over her chest. Everywhere in the chapel were bright red poinsettias. Her husband and son were in the first pew, talking together about renovating the garden. Her coworkers filed slowly past her coffin, and faded from view. June awoke more than a little upset at the idea that she was going to die at Christmas time, in some kind of bloody accident, as typified by the red flowers.
I asked June if she were thinking about changing her job, one which she had kept for some years even though it no longer fulfilled her needs. She admitted she was making serious plans to do so, but the thought of losing friends and collesgues of so many years duration made her still hesitate. She would feel lost in a new company, new surroundings,and new duties. Would she feel like some part of her had died, I asked?
I asked June if her family supported the idea of change, of her going back to school and reorganizing her life. Renovating the whole garden of her life, so to speak. And was she hesitating to spend one more Christmas with her old friends at the company?
June's brow cleared at last.

Holy Scripture is full of warnings for us to take our dreams seriously; occasionally angels, or the Lord Himself, will speak to us in dreams. But all dreams are not the same.
Most of our dreams are 'spiritual recycling' of our daily life and attitudes towards it. This is how it should be! Frequently a minor flaw or petty problems will be presented along with perfect ready made solution in our nightly flights. 'God created sleep to this end only, that we should attain the insights we cannot comprehend when our soul is joined to the body,' quotes a wise rabbi of the old world.
When the Lord speaks to us from heaven through our dreams, usually they have several things in common which are signals of His divine voice. 'My sheep know My voice,' He says, 'and they come when I call them.' One of these hallmarks is the sound of His voice, which some have likened to bells, chimes, the ocean, and the Music of the Spheres.
Another sign is that the dream will appear in remarkable blazing color. Most ordinary dreams are strictly black and white.
Religious figures, or archetypes, frequently appear in the Grand Dreams. It should come as no surprise for Moses to appear to devout Christians, of the Lord Himself to atheists. The Almighty once visited a client of a well known sage in Virginia dressed in a business suit and tie. The obvious message is that God is in charge, the real CEO.
Suppose your dreams include being naked in public, is this a sign that you are secretly a lusty, Commandment-bending exhibitionist? No, more probably it indicates that you are anxious about appearing to be 'just like everyone else', or fear that you are lacking something important.
Do you dream you are back in school, and either don't have your homework, or don't know the material for a test you are expected to take right then? Anxiety again, about not being prepared for life. The car you are in driving itself or driving wildly, a hill that keeps on getting steeper or higher, or water that rises higher or swifter, are all plain anxiety indicators.
All this anxiety in our world is also the cause of much insomnia! If you are suffering from this lack of dreaming, first do try valerian, hops, or skullcap, in capsules or tea. These are the most efficacious herbs, all natural with no side effects, known. Chamomile or catnip tea before bed is soothing and calming to the nerves.
Naturally, avoid caffeine and other stimulants, including exercise and exciting movies or activities, before bed.
Most of all, make a regular habit of prayer, Psalm reading, and meditation at your bedside. Just keeping The Book on your nightstand can make you feel more at ease. Regular perusal and use of it can save your eternal life.

Send your dream to Danielle by emailing her at, and write her name in the subject line. God Bless!

Bouquets of Light
When: Thursday, November 24, 2005

Our candle-lit prayer vigils have been reported as so comforting, uplifting, and refreshing, that we invite you to 'cross the clock' with us and present spiritual bouquets of prayer and light to the world.
Every three hours, beginning at midnight, (three, six, nine, noon) we will be lighting our votive candles and bowing our heads at desks, in kitchens, any and everywhere (except behind the wheel of course) with Christians and non-Christians in spirit and in truth. We hope you will join us at these times, you'll be blessed, and feel refreshed!

We present bouquets of light to the Lord for these special intentions:
*For all those with families to provide for in these severe months
*for those without families to sustain them through the holidays
*for all those facing extreme hardships as winter approaches.

For grace, we ask that you present bouquets of light to the Lord in the names of these dear people who have asked for prayers:

Nina, California, for recovery;
Kathayoun, CA, for a clear resolution;
Tapana W, Caribbean, for a better life;
Oscar F, USA, a Christian;
Kim Z, Pennsylvania, for recovery of health;
Pammy K, USA, a Christian;
Cynthia, a Christian, in overcoming;
Will P, Texas, for strength in adversity;
Barbara W, USA, seeking reconciliation;
Robin P, California, for clarity;
Tim, USA, for strength in adversity;
Rodney G, USA, for comfort in his loss;
Shelly D, USA, for comfort in her loss;
Angelina, Seattle, for intervention of Spirit;
Leah L, Seattle, for intervention of Spirit;
Colleen R, USA, for solace in sorrow;
Charlotte T, USA, seeking reconciliation;
Don, Kansas, for physical strength;
Jim M, Texas, for intervention of Spirit;
Noreen P, in the West, for comfort in her loss;
Chandler P, for strength and courage;
Beverly J, for physical healing;
Sean T, USA, for strength to use his gifts;
Cat, USA, in dire adversity of spirit;
Carolyn, USA, for strength of spirit.

We want to let everyone who is praying with us just how efficacious your effort has been! Almost everyone put on the list at one time of another has reported to us that their lives have been significantly changed. Praise Jesus! Email us with your request for a Bouquet of Light at, with Bouquet in the subject line. God Bless!

Recipes for the Winter Holidays
When: Friday, November 25, 2005
What time is it when the trees are bare, the skies are all foggy and gray and the only sign of life you can see is your own breath? Why, party time, made by God Almighty just for us! Here are some uplifting perks to sprinkle throughout the approaching holy days. Can you match the recipe with its Zodiac sign?

Add eggnog instead of milk or water to waffles, pancakes, plain muffins, vanilla pudding, folded into dream whip, or into plain cheesecake, to celebrate the taste of the season of Goodwill.

If you are going to prepare home made pumpkin pie, save the seeds!!! Dry them in the oven, season them with soy sauce, and bake for 10 minutes for a tasty treat that rivals popcorn, and is full of nutritional value.

Cranberry bread and cranberry topped cheesecake is easy to make, elegant to look at, and appreciated by all at every event. Add a top layer of pecans.

Don't stint on your portion of sweet potatoes or yams. Cancer fighters!

Add a sprinkle of Parmesan and Romano cheese to store bought crescent rolls for a taste boost.

Consider Winter White Chili, made with leftover turkey chunks, white navy beans, red kidney beans, and topped with shredded mozzarella cheese and a sprinkle of parsley.

Two tablespoons of chopped ham in lentil or split pea soup- mmmm.

Instant nachos grande: grate some cheddar onto nacho chips. Add some slices of green and black olive, sliced onion, minced peppercinis. Spoon on some Nally chili for good measure, and microwave for 2 minutes.

Combine a cup of chicken stock, onions, ham and corn for a quick taste of warmth on blustery winter nights.

Winter stand-in salad; mix a can of green beans with some grape tomatoes, marinated mushrooms, black olives, green olives, and cocktail onions. Looks pretty festive as well!

Progresso hearty tomato soup is excellent alone, and makes a terrific stretcher for leftovers.

Add a dollop of eggnog to your after dinner java for a holiday change.

And the number one recipe for winter is: home made turkey soup! Try adding Bells Seasoning for a genuine old-fashioned taste.
Don't serve turkey left-overs for days on end- put them in freezer Ziplocs and into the deepfreeze they go. Take a package out once a week and it won't get monotonous, it will be a treat!

Voices From the Vineyard
When: Friday, November 25, 2005
The following words of knowledge, prophecy, and messages were received by the Vineyard, passed on here to our World Wide Web friends, for grace.

There will be continued forced relief from the frightening price rise in fuels as the winter progresses.

Dark hair, lanky, body piercings, black finger nail polish; all on a young man of 19. Perhaps you need tissue in your pocket? It is becoming quite a habit.

Dark haired woman, 40-something, gold locket with the initial K. Loves vibrant shades of burgundy and maroon with hints of silver. The coming year brings your opportunity for perfect marital union.

Tall, red hair, slender build, name like Keith or Kiel, avid interest in reptiles as pets and companions. Dream position opening in your own company, but you must change cities.

Single mother of three daughters, Cleveland area, residing in cheaper high rise housing- don't give up, continue with the school routine you have started. You will end up being vice president of company in just 3 years.

Art loving, sensitive, soulful man, given to angst. New friend in late winter, new lifestyle by early fall, new life entirely by next presidential election.

Gingham and blue hair ribbons, yet she read the likes of Mickey Spillane and Erick Jong. Foster discernment, or you will ruin your innocent blues.

Elegant, slender, favors dark shiny fabrics, always uses a taxi cab and evian. You will know the right investment by the 'golden' hour', and remember the tip came as a gift. Give to charity.

29 or so, name of Rachel (?) just lost mother, feeling bitterly alone and exhausted. Take some time by the sea. She will not contact you for a year, for your own good.

The issues of increasing environmental degradation will be Supreme this fiscal session.

The United Nations is facing serious challenges at the fundamental level, and unless a certain nation of impeccable integrity steps in, this league will fail. (Are you listening, UK?)

Very stylish man in the Windy City, keeps the nature of his business from public knowledge. Be more open about sausage making and butchering. You are arousing some suspicions quite unnecessarily.

Hair of spun gold, but her face hardening with disappointment- name like Shiela, initial K, mothers name Helen Mary. Get out of this farce of a marriage now, it is not going to work.

Fair hair thinning, collects sharp pointed needle-like antiques. Sweet nature and bubbly personality. Look also at the paintings in the places you visit in the month of February, as you travel to a sunny village.

If you think one of these messages applies to you, email us at
Write the word Vineyard in the subject line. God Bless!

The Word From the Wise
When: Thursday, December 1, 2005
Time is so exceptionally important for us to perceive, understand, and interact with properly. Jesus commanded us to observe the signs of the times in order to read them (Matthew 16:3, 24:3).
December is the tenth of the year. This name comes from the Latin meaning 'tenth'. In the sixteenth century, Pope Gregory the Thirteenth changed the secular calendar to coincide with his version of the church calendar, moving the official New Year beginning from March, where it occurs naturally on the Vernal Equinox, to January, which is actually the eleventh month. (Remember the 11:11 Awareness of a few years ago? This was an angelic attempt to get us to move back into the awareness of real time.) Most indigenous and traditionally oriented cultures continue to observe the Spring Equinox as New Year, including the Hebrews which, begin their year with Nisan (March/April), usually coinciding with Easter.
By changing the calendar in this way, Pope Gregory, whatever his motive, came dangerously close to beginning the work of the AntiChrist in Daniel chapter 7 verse 25. He has altered our perception of time, the seasons, and how they should follow and flow.
By becoming aware of real time, we will no longer be susceptible to fraudulent date setting for the return of Christ, the end of the world, et cetera. The Lord forbade us to do this anyway, but you notice many of our Christian brothers repeatedly announce they have 'discovered the code' for Jesus' return. By our awareness of the true flow of time, we will know better, being able to see with our own eyes, and so not be misled. This is so important, we are dedicating our personal ministry to this awareness; we are become the Watchmen on the Wall, to let you know how long till morning, and the night!

Why have we as devout and faithful Christians chosen this tenth month in which to celebrate the birth our Savior, who was almost certainly born sometime between September and March, depending on your point of view? Should we refrain from celebrations, as some of auster piety? Or chose a time other than one so steeped in pagan and scandalous tradition as the Saturnalia, or the birthday of Mithras the Roman bull slaughterer? What meaning does a winter solstice have for us?
Well, why change a date that everyone has agreed on for the past six thousand years is a great date to break up the winter doldrums and throw some light into an otherwise dreary and dangerous time? The winter solstice is quite important to us as Christians because it means the planet we live on is on its correct course in space. That's worth celebrating.
Only scholers and professors know the name of Mithras nowadays, so we can't be celebrating his birthday in 2005, can we?
Of course, we cannot celebrate Jesus' real birthday, because He is older than time itself. He had no beginning. He Himself created Saturdays, and is much older than the Saturnalia, or the planet it is named after.
We keep the December celebration to recall some characteristics of Him, though. My favorite is the evergreen tree. Like Him, it stays alive and beautiful through the worst changes around it. Like Him, it provides a haven for small frightened souls seeking a strong arm of shelter. Like Him, it provides food and safety in all seasons. Like Him, it reaches out in invitation to all who would gather near.
I don't think an attempt to erase and deny all of our history glorifies the Lord. And I intend to celebrate Christmas on December 25th!

Comment on The Word From the Wise by emailing, and enter The Flock on the subject line. God Bless!

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