the Quest
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Q: How can a Christian be comfortable with using such spiritual practises as psychic impressions, astrology, and channeling? What Scriptures do you cite for the use of spiritual gifts? How do I know this insight is from the Holy Spirit?
A: When Jesus left the earth to ascend to heaven, He promised the apostles that He would send the Paraclete to them, and even chided them that this Holy Spirit couldn't come until He left. So, how can a Christian NOT be comfortable with the promised gifts of the Spirit?
Scriptural references are almost too numerous to cite, but our favorite is First Corinthians Chapter 14, verses 1 thru 5, especially 5, "...I prefer you to prophecy."
You know the inspiration is from the Holy Spirit by the fruit it bears.

Q: How do I receive my session once I decide to have one? Can I get it e-mailed to me only? Can I talk to you on the phone?
A: It's easy, fast and up to you. Simply decide what kind of session you want, think of a time convenient to you, and the method you find best. Then click the PayPal button. That will take you to the Contact Us page, where you may choose to e-mail us, call, or write to our business address. When we verify all information, we will e-mail your answers, or call to set up an appointment for a phone session.

Q: How long have you been in service, and what is your history?
A: We have been serving the Western Washington area since 1989 in the same location. We are the most trusted psychics in this region. Many people from all walks of life enjoy a continuing relationship with us for ethics, accuracy, and integrity.

Q: What can I do if I feel like I have been cursed, hexed, put under a psychic spell, or am under attack by evil persons or spirits?
A:  First, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and as the Lord of your life. If not under Christs redemptive aegis, you are at the mercy of all natural forces, not to mention those of Outer Darkness and the King of This World. So, if you have not already done so, take this simple but necessary step now. Baptism, joining a church, choosing a religious denomination, are matters of personal preference which you can decide on later.
Having made your commitment to heaven, two important things happen- you are now exempted from spiritual death, and made immune to the powers of darkness. The Lord has made clear in many scriptures that 'he who believeth in Me, though he die, yet shall he live', and that as long as you are on of his sheep, 'the gates of hell shall not prevail against (the Rock of faith'. You as a Christian are basically scot-free and clear of all witchcraft, psychic attacks, evil spells and demons, UFO abductions and fairy enchantments.
There is, of course, one catch to this. In being a Christian, you choose to follow Christ and accept His commandments. The first of those commandments is that you love God above all else. Piece of cake. The other is that you must love your neighbor as your own soul, which is laughable. But, we must do the best we can, and allow the Holy Spirit to enter our souls, to sort of take up the slack.
Jesus said specifically: Love those who hate you. Bles those who curse you. Turn the other cheek. If a man asks for your cloak, give him your coat as well. This means, return good for evil. Above all, don't play their dirty little game of revenge, getting even, or doing harm back to anyone. It's not adult, it's not civil, and it's not what you are instructed to do. Such crosshexing and cursing will only lead you deeper into a dark tangle of destruction and depravity. You will become what you are fighting.
Instead, allow Jesus Christ to deal with who ever is intending harm towards you. Simply say the Lords Prayer, or read the Psalms, or chant when you feel fearfull and sad. In a physical controntation, quote the Archangel Michael, who said, 'The Lord rebuke you!' As a redeemed creature, you cannot be harmed by their craft or deceived by their lies. Stand, then, in the Flock of your fellows, on the Rock of your faith, and in the arms of your Lord. No harm can come to you. Amen.

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