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![]() We invite you to participate in our wonderful prayer vigils! At 9, 12, 3, and 6 of the clock, pause for a few moments. It doesn't matter if you are at the kitchen counter, the office copy machine, or the tractor. Close your eyes, bow your head, light a candle if you can, but above all, just take a moment to pray! You'll be in great good company! *for all those who have a birthday this season; For grace, we pray for the following friends: Julie H., a Christian, for a special intention;
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This is Magickal Marys All Rose Garden En-chant-ers Corner, also known as M.A.R.G.E., Millifluer, and several other club names. You join by wishing on a star, winking at the moon, kissing a dew drenched rose, committing random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty; all anonymously, all secretly, sub Rosa, just between you and that wonderfully kind lady who lives in Heaven. The season of Pisces (midmonth March till midmonth April) has the spring warmth, liveliness, and beauty at its height! We can feel the breath of the earth, the warmth of the sun on our face, the heart beating inside us! And it is good! It is a great idea to use shamrock green as the color of the thousand flowers of prayers; and to use the Prayers of Saint Patrick for this months rosary.
![]() ![]() Pledge of Nonviolence 1. As you prepare to march meditate on the life and teachings of Jesus 2. Remember the nonviolent movement seeks justice and reconciliation - not victory. 3. Walk and talk in the manner of love; for God is love. 4. Pray daily to be used by God that all men and women might be free. 5. Sacrifice personal wishes that all might be free. 6. Observe with friend and foes the ordinary rules of courtesy. 7. Perform regular service for others and the world. 8. Refrain from violence of fist, tongue and heart. 9. Strive to be in good spiritual and bodily health. 10. Follow the directions of the movement leaders and of the captains on demonstrations. -------- The Five Principles of Non-Violence 1. Non-violent resistance is not a method for cowards. It does resist. The nonviolent resister is just as strongly opposed to the evil against which he protests, as is the person who uses violence. His method is passive or nonaggressive in the sense that he is not physically aggressive toward his opponent, but his mind and emotions are always active, constantly seeking to persuade the opponent that he is mistaken. This method is passive physically but strongly active spiritually; it is nonaggressive physically but dynamically aggressive spiritually. 2. Nonviolent resistance does not seek to defeat or humiliate the opponent, but to win his friendship and understanding. The nonviolent resister must often express his protest through noncooperation or boycotts, but he realizes that noncooperation and boycotts are not ends themselves; they are merely means to awaken a sense of moral shame in the opponent. 3. The attack is directed against forces of evil rather than against persons who are caught in those forces. It is a struggle between justice and injustice, between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. 4. Nonviolent resistance avoids not only external physical violence, but also internal violence of spirit. At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love. 5. Nonviolence is based on the conviction that the universe is on the side of justice. It is the deep faith in the future that allows a nonviolent resister to accept suffering without retaliation. The nonviolent resister knows that in his struggle for justice, he has a cosmic companionship. ![]() ![]() Several months later than expected, the lady, loving yellow and plumes, receives a sapphire proposal. Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises; much pain but still time; believe there is good out there, we oppose depection, conduit closing. Ten to one, the checkered shirt wearing fellow with black hair wins! Leading lights pause and flicker as a bright new note rises high in the public eye; all of a sudden, character counts. 'At no time was it unclear' proves to be the beginning of the end, a downfall spectacular but so predictable! Ten and two are a cause of injuries; many are retaught the right way to steer. Saturday, the 10th, watch for falling shells! Fires and dust and disappearing sage; we can manage much more wisely! Eleven in the side pocket, but too much distraction to win. Nine tenths of the way through school he had to withdraw, most sadly; now the chance that favors the prepared mind finds him. Look to the medical breakthrough in 2015 that cures it! None of the jury calls for death, none of the evidence is found credible; an ugly phrase. Tender the shoots, blooming late, lasting well into a colorful fall. The wise have planted a victory garden and will be harvesting it well into 2020. Not far from shore a group of sea turtles show an unknown current within the Gulf; a foretaste of things to come. Green and red vegetables a luxury? Red and orange fruits a necessity!! All who read this wisely increase Vitamin D 3. The women, most sensitive, heeding, make the institutions empty which have served no good purpose for animals. The air industry is bounding on all levels. Not wind turbines, not sunshine, the next energy revolution is just around the corner and comes from big industry. Global swelling the next trend of trendy science? North of the boundary a shock line forms, out of the darkness and the heart of fire; such sweeping changes in Mexico! Trouble, civil unrest, uneasy populace in all the north of Europe; you didn't need to be psychic to see this coming. Unless the UK acts decisively and unilaterally, Europe will continue to slide backward into chaos politically and environmentally. We have no prayer now; the gauntlet is down, and The One is the one who picks it up. Fresh clear clean water is an issue everywhere! ![]() Angel Call 444 ![]() From Lorna from Jazz: too close not to hear you, not to feel you! From Larrie to Sonny: I am always here, for you, for ever! From Tonya to Sandra: Ever here, every yours! From Samm to Latinnia: I love you girl. From Thomaso to Leo: I got your back six. From Sereta to Tommbo: Always. From Seldanne to Otero: God loves you and so do I!! From Maurice to Clair: I am always right there with you forever. From Sammo to Ortego: Angel eyes! From Tyree to Seggaro: To be near you is to be in heaven. From Steven to Orlannde: I will never leave you no matter what! From Clydey to Morris: Come what may I am here! From Sol to Lydee: I love you forever. From Tilly to Sal: Always here!! From Tom to Orlando: Remember your prayers are precious to God. From Salle to Flo: I am ever in your heart and in heaven too. From Sidney to Orlea: Come no more to weep; see, I am guiding you!! Be happy with me. From Toller to Chen: I forgive you everything. A very special message to All!! It couldn't be heaven without dogs!
Visit our weblong, www.speakingofghosts.wordpress.com, for further messages! ![]() ![]() Please visit our blog, www.christianandpsychic.wordpress.com!! You may read your own story!! ![]() ![]() Time is so exceptionally important for us to perceive, understand, and interact with properly. Jesus commanded us to observe the signs of the times in order to read them (Matthew 16:3, 24:3). Maranatha! The Lord is coming soon!! ![]() ![]() Need to say thanks for favors received? This is the place! Fulfill your obligation, and share your joyful testimony with others online. Send your note to ChristianPsychics@hotmail.com, and we will publish that week, always for free. God Bless!! Thank you Jesus, for favors received, Myra P.
![]() ![]() I prefer the Sibley birth chart for the United States, as opposed the more popular 2AM birth time; the Sibley chart reflects best the history and changes faced by the US through its lifetime. I also read in real time, thus using sidereal astrology. The chart reckoned by the tropical seasons is not so much different from the sidereal chart, only inasmuch as it is more detailed, and that detail is eerily accurate! Both charts indicate our national good humor and optimism, as well as our obsession with sports, especially if that sport involves horses! Sagittarius rising lets the world know that the USA is a natural cowboy, the icon that most often represents us at our best. A restless and freedom loving lot, we respect religion, education, and those who have traveled far in the world; we won't tolerate being ordered around or talked down to! The sidereal chart shows us to have a Scorpio eagle rising, again, highly accurate for us and for our spiritual reality. The 20th degree of Scorpio fades into a Sagittarian first house, so there is little difference here, indeed, none to worry us! With Pluto in the second house we know how to make do, make over, remake, and recycle; we are hardy pioneers who flourish despite the odds. With this placement we are a bit fixated on money, a little extravagant, and tend to make snap judgments, being quick minded and impatient. The natural nobility and promise of our Aquarian soul as represented by the moon at 5 degrees of this sign shines our from the third house of The Populace, or We The People. We desire freedom and liberty for all, whether or not they be our friends. We love science and mathematics, big loud machines and anything shiny and fast, says our Uranus in the sixth house of Taurus; our versatility is proverbial, as is our eccentricity; we as a nation have real concern for the rest of the globe. Mars in Taurus lets everyone know we will defend what is ours. The sun in Gemini imbues us with that duality so noted by foreigners, and keen observers of American culture; we love what we love, and can put it away from us with an awful disassociation. We have the sun, Venus, and Jupiter all in a row in Gemini, in the seventh house of Others, proof that we as a nation have unexpected opportunity for exceptional service to others. Mercury in Cancer shows our patriotism, love of mom and apple pie big enough to be shared by everyone in the neighborhood, just like in Norman Rockwell's art. Even our national reach for the medicine cabinet is here at the top of the chart with Neptune in detriment in Virgo. Strange dietary fads, our obsession with hygiene, and labor troubles emanate from here, as well as our spiritual faculties, for we are a spiritual people with visions and prophetic dreams. Typically American, we have no planetary ruler; we are a nation of Laws, and those Laws have limits.
![]() The devout Christian sister Dion Fortune, who during the second world war took part in the magical Battle of Britain, recorded her participation in a book by the same name published in 1993. It has since gone out of print and the copies are fetching enormous prices; so I am going to paraphrase a bit here, to outline a process similar to that which saved the world from fascism, Hitler, and terrible spiritual evil in the 30s. She organized those member of her Society of Light and sent letters to everyone involved once a week, as a connecting psychic link. A good idea; but the idea of a common egregor may I think work much better in these days of instant technology.
Our nations most recognizable icons are the cowboy, Uncle Sam, In occult understanding, that is a phoenix, the bird which never dies, but arises from its own ashes. You can see this on the US dollar bill, another recognizable and popular American icon; the phoenix is rising from the flames with the 13 arrows and the olive branch in its talons. IMHO, this is our national egregor (see complete explaination below) and may be used as a focal point. Dion instructed every recipient to set aside 15 minutes on a particular, agreed-upon day, for focusing. She told them to sit comfortably with their feet on the floor and their hands clasped to form a complete circuit, to accomplish their meditations. (This is akin to kneeling, making the sign of the Cross, and putting ones hands together in prayer, which may find is much more composing, forceful, and safe.) She recommends sitting facing the Capitol, which in our case is Washington D.C., or the White House. She instructed the participants to review the egregor immediately before the meditation starts, not too long beforehand, for maximum concentration. Her method is to relax, pay attention to your breathing, then focus on the egregor. Don't force a picture, but focus and let it form. Don't try to think of practical methods of application; stay in the spiritual dimension. See the egregor in your minds eye and slow your mind down until you feel rather than reason; listen to the egragor. When you are firmly fixed, dedicate yourself in the name of God to the service of His Divine Plan. Let the will of God come through unimpeded. Relay on the angels who preside over the Cosmic Forces to do the work. See yourself as part of the One, part of the egregor, which is part of the fabric of the sky, which is mantle of God which is the Universe. Invoke the name of God, and open yourself as a channel for the Light of the Cosmos. See the egregor again in your mind. At the end of 15 minutes, pull yourself up and out and pronounce, 'it it done', or a suitable similar sentence. Ground yourself firmly, and close your psychic circuits down. This is as important as opening them up; if you don't ground, you will go around like a space cadet all day, and the work that your hands could have done will flial in the ethers. If we, as persons of prayer, will set aside 15 minutes every Friday (Friday is the day of Netzach, or Victory) from 10 till 1015AM which is when most people have their first coffee break, we could make a profound change in the spiritual environment. We all know and recognize that our nation faces unique challenges now, and in the days ahead. If you have read The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown, you are pretty savy as to the source of the trouble, and what it is capable of doing. A long standing member of the Flock has suggested that we offer prayer, meditation, energy, Reiki, song, poem, light, and healing for our nation, its peoples, and all she stands for as the most important part of our spiritual work at this time. America has given us, and the rest of the world, so much, and now she is in real trouble. We can rise and go to her aid. ![]() ![]() | Return Home | Christian Astrology | On the Quest | How To Order | Christian Healing | On Line Chapel | Bouquets of Light | Prayer Guide | Contact Us | Christian, Psychic, And Confused? | Jesus Christ 2013 | |