These are NOT Tarot 'readings' as done by the multitude.

     For a session providing overall guidance and direction, please choose Christ Centered Intuitive Council, above.  This service provides in depth analysis of a particular selection of Tarot images in relation to your life journey, its precepts and principles, and the ultimation of your voyage.

     It does not predict the future; rather, the Sacred Tarot acts as a map or chart on the Way.

     Requirements: your name and email or street address, date of birth, and general question. (Should I marry or chose a religious vocation? Why am I suffering from depression? Why do I involve myself with dangerous persons?) Fee is $35US please use PayPal button.

     We answer within 24 hours for email reply, or respond via printed document sent within the same amount of time. Answers not random or computer generated.


     If you decide to have a session, please email us to confirm payment through PayPal, and we will respond ASAP!


      You can also just email us directly at

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